25 Euro bonus for the Advanzia Gebührenfrei Mastercard
In our comparison of the best credit cards in Germany you might have seen it already… The Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold from Advanzia Bank. This card is currently our top recommendation if you are looking for a free credit card in Germany. What makes it so attractive is the fact that there are no monthly or annual fees and no foreign currency fees for non-Euro payments (e.g. in case you’re paying in US Dollars or British Pound). The application process for the Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold is very easy and you do not need to go through a PostIdent or VideoIdent procedure.
In July the offer of Advanzia Bank is even better, because you get a bonus of 25 EUR for applying for a Mastercard Gold. Here’s what you need to do in order to get the bonus:
- Apply for the Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold between July 1st and 31st, 2021
- Once you have received your card, pay with it at least once until August 31st, 2021
As simple as that!
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