How to open a Commerzbank account

Step-by-Step Manual for Opening a Commerzbank bank account

Last update: 13 August 2024

Don’t know how to open a Commerzbank account? We will show you step by step how to do it and what requirements you need to meet! Still wondering why you should open a Commerzbank account? Well, let us give you some good reasons why:

Commerzbank Account – Main Features

  • English & German Online Banking (Web & App)
  • No monthly fees if you receive monthly incoming payments of at least €700 or if you are a student & younger than 28
  • Free & unlimited cash withdrawals at 7,000+ ATMs of CashGroup
  • Free credit card (Visa) and free debit card (Girocard)
  • Apple Pay & Google Pay supported
  • Currently with a 50 EUR starting credit!

Opening your Commerzbank account only takes a few minutes and is very easy, so let’s get started!

[DOWNLOAD] You can also download this manual as a PDF so that you can access it offline or print it

For a comprehensive comparison of German bank accounts, check out our Bank Account Germany page.

Go to the Commerzbank website

Go to the Commerzbank website and click on “Kostenloses Girokonto eröffnen” (Open free bank account):

manual opening commerzbank account

Personal Data (Personendaten)
manual opening commerzbank account
  1. Anrede: Select your sex here (Frau=Female / Herr=Male)
  2. Titel: Academic Title (Dr. / Dr.Dr. / Dr.h.c.), this is optional
  3. Vorname(n): Enter your first name(s) here as stated on your ID/passport
  4. Nachname: Enter your last name as stated on your ID/passport
  5. Geburtsname: Enter your maiden name as stated on your ID/passport (if applicable)
  6. Geburtsdatum: Enter your date of birth (Format: DD.MM.YYYY)
  7. Geburtsort: Enter your place of birth as stated on your ID/passport
  8. Geburtsland: Select your country of birth
  9. Staatsangehörigkeit: Select your citizenship

Registered Address (Meldeadresse)
manual opening commerzbank account
  1. Postleitzahl: Enter your postcode
  2. Wohnort: Enter your city
  3. Straße: Enter your street name
  4. Hausnummer: Enter your house number. The address has to be the one that is on your ID/proof of residence.
  5. Wohnhaft seit: Enter the date since when you are resident at the respective addressmanual opening commerzbank account
  6. Steuer-ID: Enter your German tax number, if you have one. If you do not have one yet, leave blank.
  7. Weitere steuerliche Ansässigkeit: If you are a tax resident in Germany only leave blank. If you are also a tax resident in other countries please tick the box and select the country and your tax ID in that country.

Employment Status (Arbeitsverhältnis)
manual opening commerzbank account
  1. Beruf: Select your occupation:
    • Angestellte/Angestellter: employee (White collar)
    • Arbeiter und (nichtselbständige) Handwerker: worker (Blue collar)
    • Auszubildende/Auszubildender: apprentice
    • Beamte und Behördenangestellte: civil servant
    • Hausfrau/Hausmann: housewife/househusband
    • Ohne Berufsangabe: not specified
    • Rentner und Pensionäre: retirees and pensioners (retired civil servants)
    • Schülerin/Schüler: school student
    • Studentin/Student: university student
    • wirtschaftlich selbstständiger Handwerker: economically independent craftsman
    • wirtschaftlich selbstständige Privatperson: economically independent private individual

Contact Details (Kontaktdaten)
manual opening commerzbank account
  1. Mobilfunknummer: Enter your mobile number
  2. E-Mail: Enter your e-mail address here
  3. E-Mail wiederholen: Repeat your e-mail address

Login Details (Zugangsdaten)
manual opening commerzbank account
  1. Benutzername: Choose a login name for the online banking (minimum eight characters)
  2. Wunsch-PIN: Choose a five to eight digit PIN (only letters and numbers possible)
  3. Wunsch-PIN wiederholen: Repeat your PIN

Account Transactions (Kontoumsätze)

manual opening commerzbank account

  1. Geldeingänge pro Monat: Enter your current net income per month in EUR. Make sure to enter the total sum of your monthly net income (i.e. salary, income from rental, side job, etc.)
  2. Bargeld-Transaktionen pro Monat: How many cash transactions do you expect to have per month in EUR. This comprises for example cash withdrawals or checks.
  3. Ich tätige / erhalte regelmäßig Überweisungen ins / aus dem Ausland: Please specify here if you will have regular transactions from/to abroad (e.g. money transfers to your family abroad). Please also specify the countries involved.

Additional Mastercard Debit

manual opening commerzbank account

  1. Select here if you want to order an additional Mastercard Debit for 3.50 EUR/month. This is optional. By default the Commerzbank account comes with a Girocard debit card.

Securities Account (Ihr Depot)

manual opening commerzbank account

  1. Select here if you want to open a securities account (e.g. for trading stocks). This is optional.

Savings Account (Ihr Topzinskonto Plus)

  1. Select here if you want to open a savings account (i.e. an instant access savings account, in German “Tagesgeldkonto”). This is optional.

Legal Conditions (Rechtliches)
manual opening commerzbank account
  1. By ticking this box you agree to receive the details of your account opening by e-mail
    manual opening commerzbank account
  2. By ticking this box you agree to open your Commerzbank account for yourself and not for another person.
  3. You agree to have received the information about the deposit protection
  4. You confirm to have read the information about the scope of the deposit protection
    manual opening commerzbank account
  5. By ticking these boxes you agree to receive information about new offers from Commerzbank via phone and/or e-mail.
    manual opening commerzbank account
  6. By ticking this box you allow Commerzbank to use your personal data for financial advisory services.
  7. By ticking this box you allow Commerzbank to submit your personal data to other companies for financial advisory services.

Confirm your entries

Check on the next page if the data you have entered is correct and click on:

manual opening commerzbank account

Prove your identity

On the last page you can download (Unterlagen herunterladen) or e-mail (Unterlagen per E-Mail senden) your application form for the Commerzbank account:

manual opening commerzbank account

In the next step you can choose which process you want to use to prove your identity:

manual opening commerzbank account

You have three options to prove your identity:

  1. VideoIdent
  2. PostIdent
  3. Prove your identity in a Commerzbank branch

The first one is the VideoIdent procedure where you can prove your identity via videochat. You just need to download the Commerzbank VideoIdent app on your smartphone, enter the reference number (will be sent your mobile number) in the app and prove your identity with your passport/ID card and specimen signature on paper via videochat. Here’s a short video, explaining the process:

This procedure is available 24/7 and therefore the most convenient one, however it doesn’t work with all passports. That’s why there is an alternative…

With PostIdent you print out your Commerzbank application form and go to the next post office (Deutsche Post). There you will hand in your documents and your passport/ID will be checked. On the Deutsche Post website you can learn more about this procedure.

Finally, the third option is to prove your identity in a Commerzbank branch. Just print out the application form and go with your passport/ID to your closest Commerzbank branch.

That’s it! Open your Commerzbank account now!

Should you have any problems or questions, check out this FAQ article. Alternatively send me a message or leave a comment!

[DOWNLOAD] You can also download this manual as a PDF so that you can access it offline or print it


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission if you use those links.

218 Comments. Leave new

  • Asif Rizwan
    August 23, 2023 15:07


    I am following all the steps but in the end I am getting thia message “Es tut uns leid. Aktuell ist eine Kontoeröffnung bei der Commerzbank nicht möglich.”

    Any idea how to proceed?


    • Dear Asif,
      in that case I would recommend to go to a Commerzbank branch office and try to open the account there. If that also doesn’t work, have a look at other banks presented in this overview.

      Best Regards,

  • Hello, I made an online account and then went to the post office, where they scanned the code and told me that a letter from Comerzban should arrive in 2-3 days. Can you tell me then what are the next steps after the letter arrives, how should the card be activated. I look forward to your feedback. Greeting

    • Dear Ana,
      after confirming your identy, the next steps are as follows:

    • photoTAN activation – After confirming your identity it usually takes 1-2 working days until you receive the letter for the activation of the photoTAN procedure. After this step your account is completely usable.
    • PIN for your card – One day after confirming your identity, Commerzbank will send you the PIN for your Girocard.
    • Your Girocard – Approx. four working days later your will receive your Girocard.
    • The main steps for opening a Commerzbank account can also be found here:

      Best Regards,

  • Hello Dominik !
    I want to ask you about : I am student and i made online normal account in commerzbank i didn’t know about student account and free fees. The question is can i change now that option to make a student account and not to pay monthly fees if i dont get more than 700 €
    And if its possible how can i do that please help me 🙏🏻

    • Dear Rasha,
      in order to qualify for the free Commerzbank student account your need to be a student and younger than 28 years or alternatively receive monthly incoming payments of at least €700. If you qualify for this you can get in touch with Commerzbank and ask them to change to the student account. It might also be possible to do the change directly via the online banking. Here’s a description from Commerzbank:

      Best Regards,

  • So if I decide to email the application form, do I still need to bring a printed copy of said application form when I prove my identity in a Commerzbank branch?

    • Dear Gel,
      usually you only need the confirmation number of your application for verifying your identity in a Commerzbank branch.

      Best Regards,

  • Eidimars Gonzalez
    May 15, 2023 15:23

    Saludos! Soy esposa militar USA, acabo de llegar recientemente y deseo hacer una cuenta de banco aca en Europa, en lo que estoy estos próximos tres a~os. Actualmente estoy desempleada, pero quiero hacer negocios online. Tengo oportunidad de sacar una tarjeta aca y obtener mi numero IBAN, tendré algún cargo por las diferentes transacciones?

    • Hola Eidimars,
      Sí, puedes abrir una cuenta bancaria en Europa y obtener un número IBAN. Los cargos por transacciones varían entre bancos. Sería ideal contactar bancos locales o investigar en línea sus tarifas y requisitos. Algunos bancos ofrecen cuentas para emprendedores o personas desempleadas. También existen bancos en línea y fintechs que podrían tener opciones adecuadas para tu situación. Puedes encontrar una revisión de los mejores bancos en Alemania para expatriados en la siguiente página:


  • hello. I used online bank acc request but i dont get iban on my antrag! What is the problem? Can I go to post bank with my current antrag without iban or not?
    Best regards!

    • Dear Rade,
      yes, I would check with Commerzbank via phone or in one of their offices.

      Best Regards,

  • Sirjana Adhikari
    April 13, 2023 12:25

    sehr geehrte Damen und herren

    ich wollte ausland geld schicken,leider geht nicht nicht .konnten sie bitte sagen wie kann ich noch meinland geld schicken?.
    mit Freundlich grüßen
    sirjana Adhikari

    • Dear Sirjana,
      to send money abroad via Commerzbank, log into Online Banking, navigate to the “Overseas / Foreign Currency” (Ausland/Fremdwährung) tab in the transfer section, fill out the transfer form, and confirm with a TAN entry. Ensure your overseas transfer limit is adjusted in Online Banking, as the standard limit is 0.00 EUR. If the recipient’s BIC/SWIFT is less than 11 characters, fill in the missing characters with “XXX”​. The process is described on the following Commerzbank help page:

      An alternative to using Commerzbank would be to use a money transfer service such as Wise or CurrencyFair. These services are usually way cheaper than the international transfers provided by banks. Have a look at to learn more about money transfer services.

      Best Regards,

  • Mathew Thomas Mathukutty
    February 22, 2023 12:23

    I had opened my online account. I visited the branch at Hoffheim and submitted my passport, residence permit and tax ID number. My application was rejected by the bank official for lack of additional document . I’m currently in Germany on a Job seekers Visa. Do I have to submit any Work Visa for opening an account? I haven’t got any job yet.

    • Dear Mathew,
      did the bank official specify what document is actually missing? I would recommend to ask that and clarify what exactly is missing in order to get your bank account opened.

      Best Regards,

  • Svetoslav Todorov
    February 6, 2023 08:53

    Hello, I made a video ID identification and received an SMS code. Now where should I enter this code? How should I proceed?

    • Dear Svetoslav,
      you need to enter the SMS code within the video identification app.

      Best Regards,

  • I have submitted online application to open account in Commerzbank, but I do not see an option for legitimation through PostIdent, I have option to legitimate through Commerzbank Branch only. Is that option for persons from specific countries only? please clarify.

    • Dear Gopi,
      for some passports/nationalities verification via PostIdent or VideoIdent is not possible, hence you need to go to a Commerzbank office.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi, I have just arrived a few weeks ago to Germany, yet already in a company working, I opened the bank account, identification process at the Commerzbank branch passed(7.11.2022), so the bank account is now activated. I did not receive the girocard and any document till now(17.11.2022), so next week we will be payed at the job. Can I easy walk to a Commerzbank Branch and retire cash with my passport ? I know there is the online banking feature, but I see that it is another looong process, with online legitimationOnline-Legitimation passport and so on. Thanks for your answer.

    • Dear Oscar,
      I hope you have received all cards/documents by now. Yes, you can withdraw money without your card at the counter in a Commerzbank branch office (a fee of 2.50 EUR applies).

      Best Regards,

  • Ryan Jian Tong
    November 14, 2022 22:09

    Hi I just applied for my. Commerzbank visa young I wanted to ask if I use my visa card like my debit are there any extra charges for the transactions?

    • Dear Ryan,
      the Commerzbank Young Visa is actually a real credit card, i.e. not a debit card. This means that the total credit card amount is debited from your checking account once a month.
      You can find the conditions of the Commerzbank Young Visa on this website under “Konditionen & Leistungen der Young Visa”.

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  • Hello ,
    Thanks for the great article , so very helpful. My question is :
    1. I am starting my employment in a month and I would like to start the account now , so I can finish all formalities before starting my employment.
    2. So in purpose should I put employee or house husband and then later convert to employee?
    Appreciate your help!

    • Dear Kiran,
      yes, you can open the account already now. As an occupation you can either select that you are employed (maybe you have already signed the employment contract…) or “Hausmann” (house husband).
      Of course you can change this later on.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,
    I have opened an account in a branch and got an IBAN stated in the contract. It starts with DE87. However, it is different from the one I found in online banking system which starts with DE06.
    Maybe you know why is it so and what does it mean?
    Best regards,

  • How long it will take to get the girocard?

  • Vikas Goswami
    August 31, 2022 12:28

    I opened my saving account on 30th Jul. Bank officer provided me IBAN. But she said I will get cards next week. So untill I get card, can’t I use my account even online transactions.

    • Dear Vikas,
      you can use the online banking once you have completed the photoTAN activation. In the online banking you can activate your virtual debit card that you can then use e.g. for online transactions.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Team,

    I am unable to get the IBAN number while applying online from.
    is there any process change in applying online account.

    • Dear Mayur,
      to my knowledge there haven’t been any changes to the application process. My recommendation would be to get in touch with Commerzbank to see if your application went through. If not, try again.

      Best Regards,

  • Hallo, I already have a Commerzbank account and I wanted to ask if it’s possible to transfer money to another country.Thanks

    • Dear Vangelis,
      Yes, you can transfer money abroad directly from your Commerzbank account. However the fees are usually considerably high (up to 250 EUR per transfer).
      I would therefore recommend to use a money transfer service. Transferring 1,000 EUR to the UK (GBP) currently costs for example less than 10 EUR with Wise. Have a look at this comparison article for money transfer services.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi!
    For my PhotoTAN app, they are asking for a pin. What is it actually?! I am trying to enter a pin but its always denying the access.

    • Dear Sriparna,
      after successfully completing the online application you should have received a photoTAN activation letter. With the code on this letter you should be able to activate the photoTAN app.
      The username and PIN for the online banking login you have specified yourself during the application process.

      Best Regards,

  • Do I require address proof to verify my address during visit to Post Office or Bank Branch ?? If Yes, then Can I use my rental agreement as address proof ?

    • Dear Kunal,
      it depends on your passport… In most cases your ID or passport are sufficient for opening a Commerzbank account. However for some nationalities (e.g. India) further documents such as a resident permit are required.

      Best Regards,

  • Hello Dominik,

    I tried to create / open account using the above mentioned method, however when i finish step 7 i am getting a message ” We are sorry, it is currently not possible to open an account with Commerzbank.”

    Can you please suggest how to proceed.

    Also, Could you please tell me the list of documents required for Account creation in Commerzbank ?

    • Dear Ramya,
      could you please clarify after which step you got this message?

      You do not need any documents for the online application itself. However you need documents for confirming your identity. In most cases your ID or passport are sufficient for opening a Commerzbank account. However for some nationalities (e.g. India) further documents such as a resident permit are required. You will receive instructions on which documents to prepare for the identity confirmation after completing the online application.

      Best Regards,

      • Hello, I have also faced the same issue. When you press the button to finally create the account to confirm entries, I got the message saying it is not possible to open the account.

      • I have also faced same problem
        ….When you press the button to finally create the account to confirm entries, I got the message saying it is not possible to open the account.

        • Dear Leah, Dear Thaslima,
          in that case I would recommend to go to a Commerzbank branch office close to you and open the account there.

          Best Regards,

  • Kaushal Kumar
    April 24, 2022 07:16

    Can you tell me how do I deactivate my comerzbank bank account

    • Dear Kaushal,
      the easiest way to deactivate your account is to send a message to Commerzbank via the online banking.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi I am Navid I applied for credit card and it was rejected without giving me the details. How I would know what was the reason behind? Then I could take a next steps

    • Dear Navid,
      please get in touch with Commerzbank directly. I’m sure they will be able to help you.

      Best Regards,

  • Hola, desde que te identificas cuanto tiempo tarda en estar activa la cuenta para poder operar con ella.
    Muchas gracias,
    Un saludo

    • Hola Marc,
      una vez identificada con éxito, la cuenta tarda entre 10 y 15 días hábiles en activarse por completo.


  • Hi! I’m a student for a Master degree, and i chose “Student/studentin” as my job. But in the overview at the end, my job showed as “Auszubilder“, and i could not change it back. What should i do in this situation?

    • Dear Lana,
      that shouldn’t make a difference in the end… The Commerzbank student bank account is free of charge for students and also when you are in a professional training (Ausbildung). Just don’t forget to send your certificate of enrollment to Commerzbank, once your account has been opened.

      Best Regards,

  • Hello i get my girokonto and master debit card yesterday. I want to download add for commerzbank i downloaded but they want username and password/pin for signing. This username and password should be on inside sending documents?? How can i sign in to commerzbank app?

    • Dear Gunay,
      you have chosen the login name and password for the online banking during the application process (please see here, step “Login Details (Zugangsdaten)”).
      If you have forgotten your user credentials, please get in touch with Commerzbank.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi! Thanks for the detailed article. One thing that is not clear to me if for the account to be fee-free the 700 EUR / month should come from an employer or it can come from another account (on another bank). Thanks in advance.

    • Dear Jim,
      it does not need to come from an employer. As long as you receive monthly incoming payments totalling 700 EUR, there are no fees.

      Best Regards,

  • Please let me know what should i do if u didnt receive my activation letter for new account opening?

    • Dear Nimmi,
      please get in touch with Commerzbank. They will then resend the activation letter.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi ..

    I have a special problem.
    I have opened my girokonto 3 months ago. Recieved 3 pins already for my card each time after complaining. But till now recieved no giro card. They tell me to contact with deutsch post. But they don’t have any tracking number. Deutsch post tells me to fill a form. Where I have to give information about the branch from where the card was sent. What should I do?

    • Dear Arif,
      that is indeed very annoying… Unfortunately we cannot help you in this case. You would have to check this with Commerzbank and/or Deutsche Post.
      Hopefully this gets resolved soon!

      Best Regards,

    • Hello Arif,
      This is the same problem I have. Did you finally find a solution? If so, can you please tell me what you did?
      Best regards

  • Hi Dominic,

    What is the difference between the free Giro debit card and the Mastercard Debit Card? What benefits does the 3.50€ per month Mastercard give me?

    In my application with Commerzbank recently – and with my lack of German language – I selected the 3.50€ card as I thought I wouldn’t receive any card without it. So trying to understand it’s benefits or if it’s better to / possible to cancel it if I have no benefits of it.

    Thank you!

    • Dear Michal,
      have a look at our article about cards in Germany that explains the differences between cards in Germany.
      In a nutshell:

      Commerzbank Girocard: a debit card you can use to withdraw cash and pay in shops, however not online. The amounts are usually debited from your checking account on the same day.
      Commerzbank Virtual Debit Card: The Commerzbank account comes with a free virtual debit card that you can link with Google Pay or Apple Pay. The debit card allows you to withdraw cash and pay in online & offline shops. Like the Girocard the amounts are usually debited from your checking account on the same day.
      Commerzbank Mastercard Credit Card: This is a “real” credit card with which you can withdraw cash and pay in online & offline shops. The money you spend with this card is debited from your checking account on a monthly basis. It costs 3.50 EUR/month.

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  • Hallo Team, ich möchte eine Konto eröffnen. Ich habe nicht verstanden es

    2.1 Visa Debitkarte2A
    Preismodell Standardleistung Aktivstatus
    Ausgabe kostenlos kostenlos
    Onlinebanking (nachfolgend „Banking“) kostenlos kostenlos
    DKB-App kostenlos kostenlos
    Erstvergabe und Änderung der PIN (Wunsch-PIN)2B kostenlos kostenlos
    PIN per Brief 2C 5,00 EUR 5,00 EUR
    Ersatzkarte2D 10,00 EUR 10,00 EUR
    Kartenversand per Kurier 48,50 EUR 48,50 EUR
    Notfallbargeld (einmalige weltweite Zusendung von Bargeld) 48,50 EUR kostenlos2E
    Notfallkarte (einmalige Ausgabe) 180,00 EUR kostenlos2E
    Aktualisierungsservice kostenlos kostenlos

    Können Sie bitte erklären. Vielen Dank!

  • Sowmya Ravendran
    January 28, 2022 04:58


    Thanks for the info.

    I have two questions

    1.Can we verify via video App for photo TAN option or do we need to go directly to the nearby bank branch?

    2.If I want to send money to Abroad is it possible to send money directly from Comerzbank account to Indian account without any Charges ?

    Am new to Germany and I am creating account for first time.So it would be great if you could guide me

    • Dear Sowmya,
      in order to verify your identity you have three options: VideoIdent, PostIdent or a Commerzbank office. Either option is fine and once you have completed the process you will receive your photoTAN letter.
      Yes, you can transfer money abroad directly from your Commerzbank account. However the fees are usually very high (up to 250 EUR per transfer). I would therefore recommend to use a money transfer service. Sending 1,000 EUR to India costs for example less than 10 EUR with Wise. Have a look at this comparison article for money transfer services.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi,

    I got an appointment for city registration on 16th February , but i have a house rented on my name from 1st January with all documents. is it possible to open an account with wohnungsgeberbesch (House Owner Certificate)

    • Dear Ashu,
      usually only the official “Meldebescheinigung” is accepted. But give it a try and do the verification in a Commerzbank office, once you have completed the online application.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,

    I tried to create bank account & order number got created “Girokonto_Antrag” pdf file but legitimation option’s didn’t come on page. Now customer service asking me what is way of legitimation but I didn’t get that page. Did i missed something ?
    Or is this second step is to take “Girokonto_Antrag” pdf and directly go to branch and request for Bank account open.
    This “Girokonto_Antrag” pdf should contain IBAN number once order number is generated or it will be created later when we directly go to branch.
    please suggest & help out.


    • Dear Akshay,
      you have three options to prove your identity:

      1. Video Ident: You should have received a message on your mobile, containing a link to the verification service.
      2. PostIdent: In the documents you received by email from Commerzbank, there should be a coupon for the PostIdent verification process.
      3. Go to a Commerzbank branch and prove your identity via ID/passport. With the order number they should be able to find your application.

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,

    I have a question regarding leaving my bank account open after I leave the country, will there be a monthly tax, because there is no income coming every month ?

    Best, Nadia

    • Dear Nadia,
      Commerzbank will most likely charge the monthly fee of 9.90 EUR because you do not have monthly incoming payments of at least 700 EUR. Therefore it might make sense to close the account.

      Best Regards,

    December 9, 2021 14:42

    I have successfully verified my identity at bank branch. So now can I receive money from abroad or I have to wait for any other confirmation or documentation ? What’s next ?

    • Dear Hardeep,
      you can fully use the online banking after completing the photoTAN activation. Please also have a look at our FAQ article for opening a bank account with Commerzbank.

      Best Regards,

  • Baimuratova Diana
    November 14, 2021 18:01

    I already opened account and received all necessary information about PIN and TAN and my card. However, I’m a bit confused. I download photoTan app, made scan and activated it. Now it shows “There is currently no phtoTan to authorize” and “Refresh” button. I can’t understand what that means and what I should do. Does it mean that I’m done with everything and I can use my bank account now? Or did I do something wrong? But I can’t understand what exactly.

    • Dear Diana,
      yes, you should be fine. The photoTAN app is only required to authorize transactions. E.g. when you make a bank transfer you need to confirm the transaction via photoTAN.

      Best Regards,

    • Hi!
      I am from România.
      I tried to open an account with Commerzbank. Everything went OK until the video authentication. My ID card was not accepted. They asked for my passport.
      If I go to one of the bank’s offices, will I have the same problem?

      • Dear Danny,
        the identification requirements might differ, depending whether you go through VideoIdent or the identification process in a branch office. I would therefore give it a try in a Commerzbank office.

        Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,
    First and foremost thx for the great thread.

    Me and my wife start the process 7 days ago. She received confirmation that her bank account is opened after 2 days (and she is waiting for her cards, TAN and so on). However, I didn’t received any info/status update from Commerzbank yet. We both did identity verification at the Deutchepost at the same time. I called customer service and reply I got is that I have to wait for two weeks from the start of the process before they can give me any update. PayDay is coming and seems that I would not be able to receive my salary. Any hint from your side?

    • Dear Alex,
      that sounds very much like a delay in the PostIdent process by Deutsche Post… In some cases this can really take up to 10 working days. Sorry for not having better news…

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,

    Is it possible to open girokonto without the German address i.e. you are not registered in Germany? If so, how?


    • Dear Marina,
      no, it’s only possible to open the account when you are registered in Germany.

      Best Regards,

      • Could you please explain about the monthly minimum balance or transaction. Is that necessary to hold 700 euro the whole month or we need minimum 700 euro one time transaction in every month ?

        • Dear Vineeth,
          in order to avoid the monthly fees of 9.90 EUR you need to receive monthly incoming payments of at least 700 EUR. These can be several payments as long as the total is 700 EUR.
          So you do not need to hold 700 EUR on your account for the whole month.

          Best Regards,

  • Hi,
    I have been trying to open a Giro Account for a few hours now. However, the portal doesn’t seem to accept my Birth date in any format. I entered my birth date in the desired format and as soon as I clicked on any other field ( example- nationality etc) the date instantly gets deleted. Please tell me how to sort this out as I need to open an account as soon as possible.

    • Dear Simita,
      this sounds like a browser/caching issue. Have you tried completing the registration form with another browser or on a different device?

      Best Regards,

  • Are the mails containing the PIN and the card different from the mail containing the activation letter for the phototan?

    • Dear Di,
      yes, these are separate letters. You should receive three letters in total:

    • The photoTAN activation letter
    • The PIN letter
    • The letter with your Girocard
    • Best Regards,

  • Reply
    • How to apply credit card in commerzbank

      • Dear Ashok,
        you can either select a credit card during the initial application process or once you have opened your Commerzbank account, you can order a credit card via the online banking.

        Best Regards,

  • Dear Dominik,

    Could you please let me know how many days on average does it take to receive my credit card ?

    Thank you,


    • Dear Vasiliki,
      after completing the identity verification process (e.g. via VideoIdent) it usually takes a working day until you receive the PIN for your card by mail. It then usually takes another four working days until you receive your card. So normally you should have everything within one week.
      Check out this FAQ article for more information.

      Best Regards,

  • Vamsi Krishna
    September 19, 2021 10:25

    Hi Dominik,

    I’m yet to open my Commerzbank account. I’m currently living in Airbnb and it will end in 12 days from tomorrow. I have to move to a different place.
    I have City Registration done for the current Airbnb address.
    So if i get the account activation done, say tomorrow or day after, Will i get the papers in 10 days ?
    Could i still use the account even before receiving the documents ?
    I need to update in my office the new Bank account. That’s why i’m asking.

    Vamsi Krishna

    • Dear Vamsi,
      once you have confirmed your identity (either via PostIdent or VideoIdent) it usually takes 1-2 working days (worst case this can take up to 10 working days) until you receive the letter for the activation of the photoTAN procedure. After this step your account is completely usable.
      For more details check out this FAQ article about the Commerzbank account opening process.

      Best Regards,

      • Vamsi Krishna Reddy Gonchi
        September 23, 2021 15:13

        Hi Dominik,

        Thank you very much for the reply.
        I went to the nearest branch to get the Verification done and it was a quick process. The bank person said the same thing.
        When i asked for SWIFT code, they said it’s not needed.
        But in my company they’re asking for the SWIFT code since they may send through net banking.
        Where do i find the SWIFT code for the branch where i opened the account ?

        Somewhere on Google i found this -> COBADEFF660
        I’m not sure if this is correct or not.

        • Dear Vamsi,
          I’m glad to hear that you were able to open your Commerzbank account! You will find your BIC/SWIFT code on your Commerzbank Girocard or credit card and in the online banking portal in your finance overview (“Finanzübersicht”).

          Best Regards,

  • Shreya Kulhalli
    September 7, 2021 11:06

    Hello Dominik,

    Thank you for the detailed article and also your patient answers for all the questions in the comments. I found answers for most of my doubts there.
    Another question, do we need to get an appointment at the Commerzbank Filiale or at Deutsche Post for the verification, or is it automatically given?
    Also, I read on the Deutsche Post site that instead of carrying a printout of the coupon we can “Simply open the POSTIDENT coupon digitally within the POSTIDENT app”. Is this alright or is it safer to carry a copy?
    Would it be possible to add a sample image of a POSTIDENT coupon for reference.


    • Dear Shreya,
      for the PostIdent process at a Deutsche Post office you definitely do not need an appointment. For the identification process in a Commerzbank branch, an appointment is usually also not required. However depending on peak times it might be that the deprioritize the identification process and that you have to come again.
      Regarding the PostIdent coupon: it’s fine to only bring the coupon in the PostIdent app on your mobile phone. In both, the app and the printout there’s a barcode/QR-code that will be scanned.
      The sample image is actually a good idea! I will add it to the Commerbank account opening FAQ page.

      Best Regards,

  • Greetings

    Thanks for this very detailed article.
    I would like to ask if I can verify my identity on a real Commerzbank branch using my Greek ID? I currently do not own a passport. I am pretty sure that my ID will not be accepted through Video Call and as I found out not through Post Ident either, so I am just asking whether I will at least be able to verify my identity in person at a Commerzbank branch.

    Thanks in advance for your help

    • Dear Vasileios,
      I’m not sure… you would have to check this directly with Commerzbank.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi ,
    Thanks for this detailed article , it’s very helpful for expats.
    I own an Indian passport , are you aware of any banks that accept Indian passport verification without the residence permit? It will take me 2 weeks to get my permit appointment.
    Having a bank account would make my life much easier .
    Thanks much!

    • Dear Kirran,
      unfortunately I’m also not aware of any banks in Germany accepting the Indian passport for verification purposes. To my knowledge a resident permit is always required.

      Best Regards,

  • Tushar Digambarrao Kadam
    August 11, 2021 23:18

    I verified account in deutsche post. what happens next?
    was i supposed to get any email?

    • Dear Tushar,
      you will receive all documents from Commerzbank by mail within 10-15 working days.

      Best Regards,

      • is there any other way that i can get earlier?i need to get verified data at earliest so that i can apply for schufa…

        • Dear Karthik,
          please get in touch with the bank directly to check if they can speed up the process.

          Best Regards,

  • Hi, thanks for writing this.
    i dont really understand the steps, so I have opened the bank account almost 3 weeks ago and directly went to the Post office to identify myself right after I open the bank account.
    Then I have been waiting for more than 10 working days, but I got no letter of confirmation at all. I so am confused because I thought that I only need to identify myself either to the Post office OR Commerzbank.
    But when I read this, I was even more confused. You wrote that I also need to go to Commerzbank branch? (what did I do then in the post office, if what I need is directly go to the branch?) or should I only wait for more days to go?

    Please assist me regarding this matter. thank you.

    • Dear Arahma,
      you can verify your identity either via PostIdent in a post office or by going to a Commerzbank office. As you already completed the PostIdent process there’s no need to go to a Commerzbank branch anymore.
      It can take up to 15 working days until you receive the confirmation from Commerzbank by mail.

      Best Regards,

  • Xiaomeng Li
    June 30, 2021 00:37

    Dear Dominik,

    I opened my Girokonto in Commerzbank in 2019 using my friend´s recommendation code. After 3 months of using, i met all the requirements for getting a 100€ bonus back condition, but I didn´t get my bonus back into my account, however, my friend received his 100 €. Where should i report this? I couldn´t find an email address to contact. When I call them, I don´t understand German.
    Many thanks.


    • Dear Echo,
      I would send a message to Commerzbank via the online banking portal. They should be able to help you.

      Best Regards,

    June 22, 2021 12:56

    Hi I would like to know if I can receive transfers directly from a bank in peru to this bank account in Germany. For example N26 asks me to do it by transferwise and I don’t want this. I want bank to bank transactions
    Please I need an answer regarding this
    Thank you

    • Dear Veronica,
      I believe this is more of a question for your bank in Peru whether they can do foreign transfers to a German bank account. With both N26 and Commerzbank you have a German IBAN with which you can also receive money from abroad. The Wise (formerly Transferwise) feature within the N26 app is for outgoing foreign transfers (i.e. when your are sending money abroad).
      I would therefore recommend to check with your Peruvian bank.

      Best Regards,

  • Dear Dominik,

    Would it be possible to open a USD account alongside the EUR account after opening the free account at Commerzbank?

    If it’s allowed, would I be charged extra for maintaining the USD account? Or will my account stay without monthly fees as long as I transfer 700 EUR monthly?

    Thank you!


    • Dear Mark,
      Commerzbank also offers foreign exchange accounts (e.g. in USD or GBP). However there are additional costs involved and you can open the foreign exchange account only in a branch office of Commerzbank (see here:

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

      • Hi Dominic,

        I have created the bank account though online from commerzbank and submitted the form in the branch. in the application form I have mentioned the login credentials and those are not working while I am trying to open the PhotoTAN. So I am not sure either they activated my account or not, or if I forgot my credentials how to recover those. Please suggest me here???

        • Dear Ramesh,
          please get in touch with Commerzbank directly. I’m sure they’ll be able to help.

          Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominic,

    Do you know why they want to know expected transactions per month or if I will regularly transfer money to my home country? What if exceed the amount in first question or select No in the second question but end up transferring some amount. Basically, want to know if my answers will have any implications later on.

    Secondly, I hold an Indian passport with Active bank accounts that earn interest. Should I select Yes in the below box? My wife opened an account in Deutsche bank by visiting their branch. They only asked if she has dual citizenship in USA.
    “In addition to Germany, I am resident for tax purposes in other countries and / or have unlimited tax liability in the USA.”

    Thanks in advance.

    • Dear Nimish,
      I assume Commerzbank ask this question to get a rough understanding on how you are intending to use your bank account. I have not heard of any cases where these answers were checked by Commerzbank afterwards…
      Regarding your second question, I cannot give you advise on tax-related questions. However my understanding would be that you have to check this box in case you are a tax resident in another country.

      Best Regards,

      • Thanks Dominic. I received my Pin and photoTan activation graphic. However, on the app it asks for my username and Pin. I do have the Pin but I don’t remember setting up any username while opening the account. Any idea what that would be?

        • Dear Nimish,
          during the registration process you have to set up a user name and password for the online banking. Alternatively you can try to log in with the so-called “Teilnehmernummer”. You should have received this number via mail.
          If that doesn’t help, you need to get in touch with Commerzbank.

          Best Regards,

          • I did get Teilnehmernummer that I tried as username but it didn’t work with the PIN I received. The PIN I got was just 4 digits, supposedly for Girocard, not for Online banking.
            I should have got another mail with Password. Waited for 3 weeks but didn’t got it. Went to Commerzbank and they said they will re-send it.
            Thanks again for your response.

  • Dear Dominik,

    I received my Girocard by post, but noticed that it has an IBAN different than the IBAN written on the other papers I received. The IBAN written on all the papers ends with “00” while the IBAN on my Girocard ends with “01”. Is this normal, or there’s some kind of mix-up? Seems as if two accounts were created for me. If that’s normal, which IBAN am I supposed to give out for SEPA direct debit mandates? Thank you for your help.

    Best Regards,

    • Dear Ramzi,
      that’s odd… Usually the IBAN on the documents should not differ from the IBAN on your Girocard. I suggest you get in touch with Commerzbank to clarify this.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,

    I have opened an account online and completed the verification process on Tuesday the 4th of May at a Commerzbank branch, however, i still didn’t receive any details by post on how i can access my account online and so on.
    Just want to check with you if it also takes between 10 to 15 business days to process the opening of an account that was verified in the branch.

    Thank you in advance.


    • Dear Mark,
      yes the processing time for online and in-branch account openings is the same. I would therefore recommend to wait for a few more days.

      Best Regards,

  • Ms. Modak
    May 7, 2021 13:27

    Hello, I want to know if there is any scheme, like fixed deposits? Or any special account where I can deposit my money and get good interest rate?
    Or Bank Certificates where I can buy and sell after certain period ( incash them in the same bank) with good rate?
    What documents will be required for it?

    • Hello,
      Commerzbank also offers savings accounts such as an instant access savings account or a fixed deposit account. However interest rates are currently generally low.
      For a comparison of other savings accounts check out this article or have a look at one of the broker accounts.

      Opening a savings account or a broker account is very similar to opening a bank account, i.e. you enter your data and verify your identity with your ID/passport via VideoIdent or PostIdent.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi,

    How to I use my Virtual Debit Card to make online payments (for example Netflix or Amazon)?.
    It does not have a CVV nor expiration date.

    And my physical card does not have any number on it.


    • Dear Luis,
      the free “Girokonto Basic” comes with a physical and a virtual debit card. Both cards are so-called Girocards, i.e. not Mastercard or Visa. For an additional fee of 3.50 EUR/month you can order a Mastercard debit with CVC and expiry date. Or you can upgrade to the “Girokonto Extra Klassik” for 6.90 EUR/month which comes with two Girocard debit cards and a Mastercard debit card.

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  • Hi,
    I went to the bank to legitimize my account. I had my passport, residential contract and city registration document that states that I am a registered citizen of Germany. I also got my TaxId but I was refused because the bank needs a resident permit card. The city registration document contains all the information required to open a bank account. Even my friends also used this document to open the account 15 days ago.
    Kindly confirm me is this right, then I will choose another bank

    • Dear Imran,
      the documents required for opening the bank account depend on your nationality. Therefore please double-check with Commerzbank what exactly is required for opening a bank account with them.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik

    It is written that I just need an application form and passport to make an account in the bank branch. Do I need anything else? Because I don’t have residence permit yet.

    And also my passport is valid until December 2021 (8 months left), is it okay?

    Thank you

    • Dear Fuad,
      it really depends which nationality you have. If you are a EU citizen your passport or ID is usually sufficient for opening a bank account. However for most non-EU citizens both passport and a proof of residence are required.

      Best Regards,

  • Hey Dominik,

    Great website,

    I wanted to ask if i got the post ident done for commerz bank 3 days ago and haven’t heard anything from them . Does that mean my account didn’t get created Or its just that they just long to reply. How can i find the status.

    Thank you and warm regards

    • Dear Debashish,
      it can take up to 10-15 business days until your Commerzbank account is opened. Therefore my recommendation would be to wait a few more days. If you do not hear/receive anything from them you can call them to check the status.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,


    Thank you for sharing the information to open the bank account. On 15 April, I applied for an account through online and did my verification(legitimisation) at Deutsche post but until today(22 April) there is no update from the bank. As well its very lazy process, I called commerzbank 4 (30 March – 10 April) times before opening the account( as I would like to know more about capital funding forms) but till today I have not received any reply or call from them. Could you let me know, more about VWL-Vertrag oder can I do this online?

    Thanks in advance!!!
    Have a great day.

    • Dear Chaluvai,
      it can take up to 10-15 business days until your account is opened. Regarding VWL or Direktversicherung you would have to check with Commerzbank directly once your account has been opened.

      Best Regards,

    • I’ve opened an account in one of your banks on 30 March since then I haven’t received giro card or similar yet, how long does it take

      • Dear Aleksandar,
        the account opening process can take up to 10-15 working days. I would therefore recommend to get in touch with Commerzbank directly.

        Best Regards,

  • Hello , what is the procedure for student to open the account. Do they have to fill the same application or starkonto account. plz guide us.

    • Dear Sunil,
      the student account of Commerzbank can be opened via this link. The account opening process very similar to the process described in this manual.

      Best Regards,

  • Manuja Weera
    April 19, 2021 16:16

    Hello Dominik,
    One of my indian friend visited commerzbank after completing all the process but bank has rejected to open a account as her visa expires on July 2021. She has submitted her documents to foriegners office for visa extension and resident permit, but not yet received the appointment to visit the foriegners office. Commerzebank said atleast one year visa period should be there to open a account. According to my knowledge there was no rule like this earlier.
    Any advices please ???

    • Dear Manuja,
      unfortunately I do not know what are the prerequisites with Commerzbank for opening a bank account with regards to an expiring visa… You could of course try to open an account with another bank such as N26.

      Best Regards,

  • hello, thank you for your usefull informations. I am a ‘Sprachschülerin’ and in Oktober I’ll start my university studies. So I want to know if I can open now a ‘Studentkonto’ in CommerzBank.

    • Dear Bacha,
      the Commerzbank student bank account “StartKonto” is free of charge if you are not older than 27 years and if you can provide a training certificate. I’m not sure if a training certificate for a language school is also valid. You would have to check that with Commerzbank.

      Best Regards,

  • I am currently living in Germany in my german adress but didn’t complete my city registration yet. I came on 1st April,2021.

    Will I be able to fill up the follwing option with “1st April”? Or, I have to wait till city registration date?

    “Enter the date since when you are resident at the respective address”

    • Dear Sati,
      please see my previous comments. To my knowledge you cannot open your account unless you are registered. But please get in touch with Commerzbank in this case.

      Best Regards,

  • Is it possible to open bank acount & make transaction before city registration?

    • Dear Kibria,
      to my knowledge you need the city registration in order to open your account and also prove your identity. But to be on the safe side, please get in touch with Commerzbank directly.

      Best Regards,

  • Ashlesha Pandit
    April 16, 2021 09:24

    Thank you for this detailed information.
    I want to open a student account. Must I use this same procedure as given in your blog? How does that account then get the status of a ‘blocked account’?

    • Dear Ashlesha,
      the student account of Commerzbank is called “StartKonto” and can be opened via this link. The account opening process very similar to the process described in this manual.
      However it is not a blocked account, but just a normal bank account. For a blocked account your would have to check other options (e.g. Fintiba).

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  • Hello i have a start konto in Commerzbank. I want to know if I can transfer money in a Sparkasse account or deutsch bank account without any extra charges.

    • Dear Arundhathi,
      as long as it’s a SEPA transfer within the Eurozone and you do it via online banking there are no fees. Fees only apply for paper-based SEPA transfers (2.50 EUR/transfer).

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  • Tripti Pandey
    April 12, 2021 13:37

    I am a student here.I just opened an account and they told me that I’ll get the documents by post. Could I know where can I get my IBAN and BIC details as I have to get my money transferred from my home country to here asap.

    • Dear Tripti,
      usually you get your IBAN straight after completing the verification process. Did you check your e-mails?
      Otherwise it can take up to 10-15 business days until you receive your documents.

      Best Regards,

  • If I open a free account, can I cancel it any time without paying any fees?

    • Dear Carol,
      yes, there is no minimum contract duration and there are no fees for closing your account with Commerzbank.

      Best Regards,

  • Do I get a debit card per post if I open my student account online?

    • Dear Berina,
      yes, once you have successfully opened your student account (StartKonto) the debit card will be shipped to you by mail.

      Best Regards,

  • Dipesh Chaudhary
    March 26, 2021 09:16

    Hello, Thank you for the information. I filled up the online form of Commerzbank and I received the IBAN number, however, I have not done city registration and further processing of the bank like verification and document submission. I updated my IBAN number on the Fintiba app and now they have started payout to my IBAN number. So will that be a problem? How can I access my money from the bank? I arrived Germany last week and currently I am in quarantine this 28 March, so I cannot further proceed. What should I do now? Your reply would be a great help for me.

    • Dear Dipesh,
      to my knowledge you will have full access to your bank account, once you have successfully completed the online verification process.
      In your case I would suggest to get in touch with Commerzbank to check with them if you can already use your account or what steps can be taken to get it fully activated.

      Best Regards,

  • Dear Mr. Dominik,
    Greetings !
    First of all thanks a lot for providing detailed information for opening bank account online. It’s truly useful & important for outsiders.

    I have a question, I am residing in UAE & would like to open an account but here Dubai’s representative office is shutdown & not operational though online it’s showing working. I visited office but closed.

    How I can verify my documents after online submission. Further if video authentication process, how I can answer their question as I don’t know German language.

    Can you help me or suggest me.

    I am planning to open company account.

    Best Regards,


    • Dear Chris,
      this manual is intended for private customers, residing in Germany. In your case you would have to check with a local branch of Commerzbank how the account opening process works for a business account in the UAE.

      Best Regards,

  • Hello, thank you for the detailed step by step guide. It was immensely helpful.
    I however have a concern; I submitted my online application on 8 March and did postindent verification on 11th March but haven’t received any update from the bank until now. Do they take a lot of time to process such applications ?

    • Dear Sarav,
      the account opening process can take up to 10-15 business days. Have you heard back from Commerzbank in the meantime?

      Best Regards,

  • I think the account opening online does not work any longer. Can someone confirm this please? It keeps telling me wrong date format and i do not see my entry different from the stipulated format

    • Dear Chris,
      the account opening page works fine… I cannot see any issues and when I enter a date there are no errors. Do you still have the problem?

      Best Regards,

    • I had the same problem with the birth date. I kept getting an error that said it must be in TT.MM.JJJJ format but then it automatically put / mark in-between the numbers TT/MM/JJJJ. I even tried typing my birthdate with . and copying and pasting it in but then it would then go blank. Very odd glitch! I was using the chrome browser. I switched to Microsoft Edge and it worked fine.
      I assume you are allset by now but I figured I would comment for anyone else who may have the same issue.

  • Konstantinos Poulos
    February 24, 2021 16:21

    Dear Dominik,
    thank you for your guide, I opened my account very fast. The only problem with Commerzbank is that most of the agents in videoident do not help if you speak English. Commerzbank says that if the smartphone is in English language then the videoident procedure will be done in English but unfortunately that is not the case. I know some German so the fifth time I tried it, there was a very kind agent that listened and she explained to me that videoident service is only in German. I told her that I could do it with a bit of help and she agreed. It was not a big deal after all and I really do not understand why the do not do it in English also.

    • Dear Konstantinos,
      thanks for sharing your experience on opening a bank account with Commerzbank. I assume that this is for legal reasons, i.e. the identification process needs to be done in German.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,

    I am a student and i registered for the girokonto (didn’t know about the startkonto). I haven’t put any money in it for 3 months and I noticed that they also don’t charge me anything (they should have charge because its only free if i have at least 700 euro/month). My balance is still at 0. My question is: now i have to register for the startkonto in addition to the normal girokonto or they automatically change mine into the startkonto once i filled my beruf as student? Do you know if they will start to auto deduct the monthly fee once i put the money in? If I close the account now, would I still be charged for those fees? Thanks a lot.

    • Dear Louisa,
      I would recommend to get in touch with Commerzbank. I’m pretty sure that they will be able to change your account to a student account, so that you do not have to pay the monthly fees. Otherwise they will most likely charge you the monthly fee from now on.

      Best Regards,

  • “Geldeingänge pro Monat: Enter your current net income per month in EUR. Make sure to enter the total sum of your monthly net income” – For salaried professionals, is this the income before tax deductions that we should provide?

    For “Mobilfunknummer: Enter your mobile number”, should I give a German number itself? Since I moved recently, I haven’t gotten a german sim yet. Will I be able to change this later on if I provide my current non-german phone number now?

    • Dear Adarsh,
      regarding your first question: Here you should enter your net income, i.e. your income after taxes. Regarding your second question: I’m not sure, but would assume that a foreign number should also work. You will be able to change your number at a later stage.

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  • Vibhav Oswal
    February 1, 2021 17:25

    I initiated the Girokonto account opening process online today. Received the IBAN immediately. Visited the branch for verification. Received a mail immediately stating that my account is open, and that I’ll receive the activation letter for the photoTAN and Girocard by post in the next few days.

    Is it safe to submit my IBAN now to my employer to transfer my monthly salary?

    • Dear Vibhav,
      great to hear that you have successfully opened your Commerzbank bank account! I would tend to say it’s quite safe to communicate the IBAN to external parties, such as your employer, as you have received a confirmation from Commerzbank. The only drawback is that you cannot fully dispose of your account as you do not have your login credentials yet. This can take up to 10-15 working days.

      Best Regards,

      • Thanks for the reply!
        I received the photoTAN activation letter by post today and was able to activate internet banking successfully. It was really quick in my case.
        Just had a small doubt, for the €50 start credit, do online transactions on Amazon using either cards, PayPal (linked to bank) or direct debit count as valid transactions in the 5 monthly transactions condition?

        • Dear Vibhav,
          according to the conditions of Commerzbank you need to make at least five transactions per month in the first three months in order to qualify for the bonus. Transactions from online shopping such as Amazon should therefore be fine. But to be on the safe side, double-check with Commerzbank.

          Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik, this is super helpful.

    I have a question regarding step 22 to 24. I have finished the application online, received my IBAN and online ID verification.
    I tried to login to my online banking with the username and pin I set at step 22 and step 23 but the system shows inconsistent username and pin. I am sure about the username and password I entered. Is it normal? or should I have to wait until the account is finally set up?

    • Dear Ivy,
      usually you should be able to log in to your online banking account directly after you have successfully completed the online ID verification. However in some cases it might be that you have to wait for a few more days until your account is completely set up. I would therefore recommend to wait until you have received the confirmation via mail and then try again.

      Best Regards,

  • Sneha Rupa Nampally
    November 20, 2020 10:30

    I recently moved from India for Ph.D. studies. I had applied for the Kostonles GiroKonto on 13th Nov and finished my PostIdent on the same day. In the email, I had received the IBAN. Can I quote this IBAN to my employer for transferring the salary this month? The thing is I have not yet received any information so far about my account (regarding photoTAn Activation and Girocard).
    Also, do they require additional documents after postIdent?

    • Dear Sneha,
      in theory I would tend to say: yes, you can use it straightaway. However to be on the safe side I would wait a few more days until the account is fully confirmed by Commerzbank. It usually takes 10-15 working days until you get the confirmation, your online banking credentials and your banking card.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi, I received an email with the subject of “Girokonto: Bedingungen und Informationen”. Do I need to sign and submit it elsewhere?

    • Dear Sarah,
      did you complete either the VideoIdent or PostIdent process? If so, then you usually do not need to submit any further documents.

      Best Regards,

  • Kanani Sagar
    November 5, 2020 20:41

    How much time will take to activate account after verifying document?

    • Dear Kanani,
      it can take up to 10-15 days until your bank account is activated.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,

    This article is very helpful, thank you.
    But a quick question, I want to open the most basic-free monthly fee- student bank account using Commerzbank, but in the form, they don’t ask my preferred bank type/ preferred product I want. Instead, they only ask “Beruf”. My question is: Will they automatically know and give me the student bank account with a free monthly fee (as they offer a product with a free monthly fee for students under 30years old) if I fill “student” in the “Beruf”?

    Thank you

    • Dear Anggie,
      in addition to the normal bank account which is free of charge if you have a monthly incoming payment of at least 700 EUR, Commerzbank also offers a bank account for students that is completely free of charge. The bank account is an online-only account (paper-based transactions cost extra) and you need to be 30 years or younger in order to get the bank account for free. The bank account comes with a debit card, a credit card can be requested separately if you receive at least 300 EUR/month on your bank account.

      Here’s the link to the Commerzbank StartKonto.

      Best Regards,

  • Hello Dominik!

    I have registered for a Commerzbank account and I have received the IBAN, stated in the letter after the online registration. Can I receive money using that IBAN information during the verification step? I know that I could not send/transfer that money until I get the EC-card/ online banking data.

    • Dear Nanda,
      yes, once you have been assigned an IBAN number you should be able to receive money with this IBAN.

      Best Regards,

  • Hello Dominic
    Thank you for your website. It was super helpful. So When I went to the postledent to do legimitation, the clerk just asked for a voucher and said no other document is needed. She didnt take my online application. Is that normal. And it has been 8 days and the bank has not contacted me yet. What can I do?

    • Dear Lily,
      yes, that’s normal. Usually the bank matches your PostIdent with the data you have entered during the online application. Therefore no printout is required.
      And yes it can take a few days until your bank account is opened (up to 10-15 working days).

      Best Regards,

  • Hello! I filled in an online form and I tried to make my identification online. However, the customer support girl who called me told me she couldn’t identify me because I don’t speak German (she was speaking fluent English, however she said she wasn’t AUTHORISED to identify me in English)! And she said I should go to a Commerzbank office or post office. I chose to go to a Commerzbank office and they told me they couldn’t identify me without what I understood to be the Meldebestatigung, therefore I have waited for my termin to get that paper. Now I have the paper but I need to figure out a way to print that pdf form they sent me by email and use it to go to either post or back to Commerzbank office to identify myself. Almost a moth of struggle to get a German bank account!

  • Hi. This article is very helpful. I want to know that after the identity verification from Deutsche Post. Do we need to send the Commerz Bank application form to Commerz Bank?

    • Dear Ehsan,
      usually the application documents for the Commerzbank account are sent along with the ID verification documents.
      If the application documents are missing the bank will get in touch with you.

      Best Regards,

  • Hi Dominik,

    Thank you for such an informative post regarding the bank account opening. On 3rd September, I applied for an account via the online process and did my verification/legitimization at the nearest branch but until today (14th September) there is no update. Last Friday, I called the customer care to know the status of my application and they told me it is in the opening phase and I should contact the branch where I did my document verification for further information. To check the status, today I went to the bank and they told me that they cannot find my application in their system and I might again have to open my account either online or at the branch. At the branch, they also told me they can speed up the process and provide me with my IBAN details immediately once the account is opened.

    Is it really possible for them to do it immediately or were they bluffing? Another concern here is, once the account is opened at the branch, how much time will it again take for me to receive my card and other documents via post?

    Best Regards,

    • Dear Tushar,
      sorry to hear that your account opening was a bit bumpy…
      My experience is that when you open your bank account in a branch you usually get your IBAN immediately. However you would still have to wait a couple of days for your online banking credentials and your card(s). This can easily take up to a week. In the meantime you could only do paper-based transactions which usually cost a fee.

      Hope this helps!

      Best Regards,

  • Swapon Kanti Das
    July 27, 2020 00:50


    I am using an account and I am a student. if somehow my account becomes zero then can I take some loan or negative money from the bank for example – for providing the housing cost, health insurance cost (SEPA direct debit) etc

    • Dear Swapon,
      depending on your financial situation your bank account usually has a line of credit (in German: Dispokredit). Up to this amount you can go negative.
      You can check your line of credit in your online banking or simply check with your bank.

      Best Regards,

  • Katie Kluth
    July 19, 2020 16:02

    Hi, i currently have a Sparkasse account. Is it possible for all my direct debits to be transferred to the new account ?

  • Thank you so much, it has been so helpful! ♥

  • Hi Dominik, Thanks for the article, it helped me open the online account in a fly. I submitted my Commerzbank application form along with Postident coupon with Deutsche Post. I recently received my residence permit. How many days it might take for the account activation? Will they ask for additional documents ? Please lemme know. Thanks.

    • Dear Varma,
      great to hear that the article was helpful! 🙂
      It usually takes 5-10 working days until your account is up and running. If they need addtional documents, they will get in touch with you.

      Best Regards,

  • Dear dominik:
    The information was so helpful.thank you for that and I opened my account online and went to a commerzbank branch for legitimation with passport and Meldebescheinigung as they told me before but this time they asked me for aufenthalt but I didn’t have it because its just a month that im in germany so I went to a deutsche post branch and they did the legitimation and told me that we will send it to the bank and its up to them so do you think its done or what?and do I need to wait for the aufenthalt?and how many days it takes to activate the account and recieving the card?
    Thanks for consideration

    • Dear Mehran,
      depending on your nationality/employment status it might be that Commerzbank also requires your “Aufenthaltserlaubnis”.
      As you did the authentication in a Deutsche Post office now, I would recommend that you wait for a few more days. Either Commerzbank will ask you for the “Aufenthaltserlaubnis” or they will just open your bank account. Usually it takes up to 10 working days upon authentication until you hear back from Commerzbank.

      Best Regards,

    • Hi Mehran,

      I hope you are in good health. Actually i went to the postident for legitimization and they sent my documents. My question is a followup question. In how many days they opened your account. And what documents they asked you more ?

      • Dear Irfan,
        once you have completed the PostIdent process it usually takes 5-10 working days until your bank account is opened. Regarding the documents it really depends what you handed in already and what status you have in Germany.

        Best Regards,

  • I confirmed my identity through VideoIdent. Everything went fine. That was on February 3rd. Today is 15th and still I didn’t get anything from Commerzbank. Is this normal?

    • Hi Vladimir,
      it can take up to ten working days until you get your card, online login credentials etc. I would therefore get in touch with Commerzbank on Monday and check the status with them.


    • Hello, can I withdraw money from commerzbank home branch without debit card or without online banking. Because i have not recieved debit card, push tan card yet.

      • Dear Sanjeev,
        yes, you can also withdraw cash at a bank counter of Commerzbank. However there are additional fees involved (2.50 EUR/withdrawal).

        Best Regards,

  • Hello! Thank you for information. I am a student, but I am 36 y.o., so if I open the Girokonto in Commerzbank will it cost me 5.90 a mounth or not?

    • Dear Timur,
      The Commerzbank bank account is in general for free. So it doesn’t matter if you are a student or not and how old you are.

      Best regards,

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