tax return germany

It’s that time of the year again… Tax Return!

Learn how to submit your tax return in Germany

In the first moment you might think… oh no! But hey, where else do you earn on average 1,000 EUR for an hour of work? As most employers are usually starting  to send the annual tax statements to their employees in February, this is a good time to start with your tax return. We have therefore updated our two articles regarding tax returns in Germany:

These are the main reasons why you should submit a tax return:

  1. You get money back – by submitting a tax return, employees get an average tax refund of 1,000 EUR
  2. It’s easy – with the online platforms, submitting your tax return is easy and fast
  3. It’s in English – many platforms have an English (or even Polish, Romanian, Russian, Croatian, Serbian or Bosnian) user interface

So start now and submit your tax return!


Disclaimer: This is just a general information about tax return platforms in Germany. I’m not a professional tax advisor. If you need assistance please get in touch with an official tax advisor.

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